Another Satisfied Customer!

Please feel welcome to send us your positively negative feedback. 
I will gladly post your comments on our website. 

(Please remember what happens to those customers who raise their fists or threaten to take us to court!)

I recently spent my life savings with you.  After all the promises....I am quite disappointed.  How can you sleep at night?   The shipping box exploded!  I was covered with Big Fat Snake intestines!  It ruined my wife's curtains.  Now she makes me sleep outside in the chicken coup.
Sincerely Yours.
Mr.  Ray Tard

(Note from the owner of this site: 
How do I sleep at night?  I like to sleep on my side....actually, I prefer to spoon with your wife.
 Give those chickens a kiss for me!)

Dear Sir,
The overpriced snake that I ordered from you bit me in the eye.  I did not know that it was a venomous species. 
I would file a law suit...but I am now too broke to afford the retainer well, I could not use the phone book to find a good attorney...because my eyeball fell out after the snake bite!
 I would not recommend this seller to anyone with a pulse.
Mr. Magoo

(Note from the owner of this site:  I feel your pain....well....ok..... not really.   All snakes sold by us are well started.... on human keep your eyes closed while opening the shipping box.....this might insure your safety....and because you will never see our product....we will have less complaints to deal with....thank you!)